
SonicWall Was Hacked. Was It Also Extorted?



A Soft Ransom Demand

SonicWall declined to answer questions from ISMG about this specific situation. But the company was made aware of the content of this column before publication. Instead, SonicWall sent this statement on Tuesday:

soft ransom demand sonic wall
SonicWall's statement.

The first clue comes from a posting made on a well-known Russian-language cybercriminal forum. Just a day after SonicWall's announcement, a post went up from someone going by the nickname "SailorMorgan32," says Gene Yoo, CEO of Los Angeles-based Resecurity®. Resecurity®'s Hunter Unit specializes in gaining intelligence from cybercrime actors via human intelligence and observing dark web forums.

The post offered for sale data purportedly stolen from SonicWall. SonicWall, the post says, could pay to claim the data. Otherwise, it would be sold to no more than five buyers at $500,000 each.

SailorMorgan32's original posting, offering SonicWall's data back to the company itself or to other people for $500,000.

Purported to be in that data package is 4 terabytes of material including nondisclosure agreements, accounting and payroll documents plus 3 terabytes of source code... Please continue the article at the source


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