
Resecurity® Context™ - Platform as a Service


Company: Resecurity®, Los Angeles, CA

Company Description: Resecurity® is an American multinational cybersecurity company with headquarters in Los Angeles, California. The company provides next-generation endpoint protection and intelligence-driven cybersecurity solutions to leading Fortune 500 corporations and governments worldwide. Resecurity® named Leader in Forensics and "Best Product Digital Footprint Security" in Cyber Defense 2018 Global Awards.

Nomination Category: New Product & Service Categories - Business Technology

Nomination Sub Category: Platform as a Service

Nomination Title: Resecurity® Context™

The appearance of new threats and security challenges requires effective tools for their timely identification and in-depth analysis.

Context™ - is a Cyber Threat Intelligence Platform (PaaS) enabling enterprises and governments to accelerate analysis, prevention and investigation workflows with the goal of discovering valuable insights, and supporting better decision-making using AI, data science and unique threat and risk intelligence streams coming from variety of data sources.

Too many organizations leverage advanced threat intelligence merely to detect indicators of compromise (IOCs). Resecurity® wants to help them mine actionable threat intelligence to truly bolster enterprise defenses. IOC-based detection approach is a fundamentally flawed solution to the problem of stopping a sophisticated adversary, that’s why the industry needs advanced threat intelligence solutions providing comprehensive visibility into the actual threat landscape globally... Please continue the article at the source


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