
Citrix hack exposed employees to ID theft and fraud, lawsuit says



On March 10, reported that a cyber security provider called Resecurity® claimed in a blog entry that it contacted Citrix on Dec. 28 to warn of an attack being planned and organized during the Christmas period.

Resecurity® said the attacks were carried out by an Iranian-linked group called IRIDIUM, which primarily targets financial and utility companies, and government, defense and aerospace sectors.

Master declined to respond when asked whether Forbes’ reporting about Resecurity® was accurate.

NBC News on March 8 quoted Resecurity® president Charles Yoo as saying the hackers stole between six and 10 terabytes of data through several compromised employee accounts. Its attacks were focused on contracts related to the FBI and NASA, as well as Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia’s state oil company, the network reported... Please continue the article at the source


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